Photography Tips

5 Easy Tips to Make Dreamy Portraits

Lorelyne Piazza’s portraits are basically ‘fairy tale in real life’, the 25-year-old French photographer captures mystical – almost dreamy images that will instantly draw you in. Today, Lorelyne will give us some tips how to recreate this kind of style.

Every Corner Might Be the Place

We usually don’t have a camera in our pockets everyday. But always keep your eye sharp, every detail may be used for a shoot or get you to an idea. If you have a note-book or your phone, never let go the thoughts you had while passing by a place, an item or a during a conversation, even when you listen to music or watch a movie. Every piece of your daily life is likely a material for your creative-self. Observe, notice, catch, right down, capture. It won’t be lost for long.

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In the Mood for…

As you are the prism between your visions and reality, you should really care about your moods and emotions. They are the strings that will pull all your shoots. We grow, we learn, we feel and make conclusions about what life puts on our path. It shouldn’t be an obstacle but a new challenge. Create might be a way to make it your own and to surpass yourself by taking action.

[aesop_parallax img=”” parallaxbg=”on” caption=”Self Portrait – ‘At the Core'” captionposition=”bottom-left” lightbox=”on” floater=”on” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”up”]

I often do self portraiting as a medication/therapy/dissection. The scenes are always a reference to a particular event I experienced and strongly felt. Either good or less good, I find it interesting to symbolize these moments and “grasp” them as they turning so much real in a photography. The choice is yours to acted as the subject or to leave this part to someone else. Sometimes it can be too intimate.

The Lense Is Your Third Eye

Who didn’t experienced the frustration and lack of right lenses for a shoot not expected ? During wanderings I always have my camera very close to check out what my lense can lead me to and the possibility it allows. The human eye is somehow ruled by natural restrictions, that is why lense are a strong ally and your magical kaleidoscope. If you have the possibility to see through your screen directly it’s easier to transpose what reality gives you to something completely oneiric because of the trespassing optical-laws.

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My hearts favors fixed focal length for they force you to seek the right angle and therefore to explore the place. I found myself in pretty absurd positions because of it but being at the core of what you doing implies some dirt on your shoes & clothes. It souldn’t always be the models that endure all the hazards of nature.

Sense the One in Front of You

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”Lorelyne Piazza” align=”center” lightbox=”on” caption=”‘Spine of Gaia'” captionposition=”left”]

Working with someone is a marvelous experience. See it as a ”confi-dance”: the person is willing to help you and trust your work, it’s important to respect and prove she/he was right. Put good energy to show that what you doing is between just the two of you and somehow, a nice dance in an ephemeral play. Being natural and serene will do just good for the hours to come with you model: for she/he is not just a tool, or a detail in your decor but a soul with an inner universe just as vast as yours. It’s important to discuss a common theme but also to leave some space to the creativity of both. Don’t hesitate to talk, adjust, open new doors.

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This particular advice is the center of my way of working: the more I know someone, the more I can connect & create. It is a bit restrictive because it takes time and a lot of feeling, but in all my captures, the ones I prefer always proves me right in this firm stance.

Colors Are Emotions & Light, a Brush

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”Lorelyne Piazza” align=”center” lightbox=”on” caption=”The Wild Grace” captionposition=”left”]

Outdoor is the genuine laboratory for catching every shade of colors you come across. We associate passively colors to a feeling, an atmosphere & a tone. As humans we are strongly linked & influenced by chromatic & lightening.  It is for me the heart of the image and commonly what structures my compositions. The season, the weather, the time of the day, the vegetation, the clothes… Everything can give a clue about how to distill the essence of your art & mood of the moment.

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Harmony is the key-word that guides my steps and of course, a drop of adaptability. Numerous are the times I had a precise idea and couldn’t make it work properly because mother-nature is always changing and so is the light: It’s the magic of it and it demands some patience & humility… Consider the elements as a line to follow, the surprise at the end could overstep your expectations and give birth to a unique picture.

Lorelyne Piazza

25-year old spring girl at the heart of the French Alps. The dimension of sharing & understanding lead to be a self-taught portraitist few years back. Photography came to me as a way to tell a story (mine & theirs) by creating an ephemeral scene recording memories, feelings & meetings with gorgeous souls. It’s a web where every image is a string linked to a moment and a state of mind. Because maybe we all need to keep a trace of our footsteps somewhere…? It is simply a pictural-diary I enjoy to compose with helpful hands.



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